Our newest class; Piece of Pie, will start on August 13, 2009. This is the cover quilt top, not finished but in the running. This class will be so much fun and we can use up our scraps for this too!!! Best of all will be the scrumptious and yummy desserts we will be eating once a month. When you register for this class you get the Piece of Pie book and a container for your cut up scraps. Then, when you come to the first class you are ready to pick the quilt you want to do from the book !!!!All quilts from this book use 10 inch or 5 inch squares and 2 1/2 inch strips. Thats it!!! What a great way to get together and use up those scraps all at the same time. These quilts go together faster than we can eat up the dessert!! Hope you can join us!!!